Sunday, January 18, 2009

Solar system

The streets remain in my system,
The Night-the Shore of wisdom,
Keeps whoring my brain,
While I fill the scars that remain
With ashes from the Sky!

Washing up the forgotten Ruins
With Jesus' godly doings,
While filling up the Sky
With the paintings from dye
Of the Old Suns...

The Sun comes and goes,
The Sky runs these shores,
The Sun comes and goes,
The Sky runs off-shores!

The Burden of the Picture,
Pressing hard on the Scripture,
Makes the timeless Night
Get onto Her feet n' fight
The up-comnig Sun!

It's time for the Stars
To fall off Mars
And fill the whole Air
With the Dust of Care
And of the reigning height!

The Sun came and went,
The Sky never felt,
The Sun came and went,
The Sky didn't melt!

La Livada de Tutun

Printre ceturi de matase
Si greieri de livezi,
Foaia de Tutun ma luase
Si ma duse prin cirezi.

Caini, cai, vaci si oi,
Toti rumegand saruri de roua
Sau oua din iarba moi
Si timpul acordat voua.

Una din vaci veni
Si se aseza deasupra.
Cu clavicula stanga ma-nghiti
Si prin ea mi-am dat tura:

Printre stancile creierului
Vazui ceva ce doar semana
Cu inima porcului de-alaturi.
Atunci incepe a ma durea mana.

Mi-am continuat drumul
Doar cu mana dreapta,
Inecat fiind de fumul
Mirosului de fata.

Ma-ndreptai spre lumina,
Escaladand un plaman,
Pana observai ca-i stinsa.
Atunci veni gandul pagan.

Am reusit sa ies sub coada,
Cazand in batista mea,
Ce ascundea de argint o bucata-
Cat mai departe de Lichea...


Kill me in the style of the roman-
Take the spear, pierce my chest,
And watch the blood and water
Pouring down, running to the west.

Kill me, for I've grown old,
My bones have turned to wood-
Take the needle out o' me,
I'd have taken your pain, if I could...

Kill me, for the wind has stopped.
My mouth of blood is full-
Take the crown off my head-
Take it, and give it to the fool!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Regele Nomad

In vremuri de mult uitate,
Pe cand vorbele erau fapte,
A existat un nomad popor
Ce se ocupa cu vit(z)a din ogor.
Ei bine, acesta cu siguranta avea,
(Caci pe atunci altfel nu se putea!)
Un print nomad mostenitor,
Peste al sau nomad popor.
Dupa ce tatal sau a plecat,
Dumnezeu, deodata, S-a aplecat
Pe print-rege sa-l puna,
Insa situatia nu era buna!
In calitate de rege nomad
Ce domneste peste popor nomad,
Acestuia ii trebuiau ani cativa
Peste hotar, pentru a se schimba!
Asa ca fiul regesc o lua la goana,
Fara avea in sacosa o poama,
Spre taramuri de mult duse,
In imperii de mult apuse.
Cand, insa, drumul-termina,
Se intoarse, suspina,
Si striga in gura mare:
"Am fost peste mari si oceane,
Am umblat mult si indelungat,
Eu sunt Regele acestui Regat!"
Insa oamenii l-au uitat,
Dupa atatia ani de umblat!...
Totul in jur se schimbase,
Obloanele toate erau trase!
Cativa batrani, numai,
Isi aminteau de el, dar vai!,
Singur a umblat, indelungat,
Si a ajuns un Rege fara Regat!